HomeFurther Reading

Further Reading

For further reading about G.A. Henty's novels and the illustrations within them, consider these sources:


Ashley, L.R.N. (1999). George Alfred Henty and the Victorian mind. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications.

Arnold, G. (1980). Held fast for England: G.A. Henty, imperialist boy’s writer. London: H. Hamilton.

Butts, D. (2010). Children’s literature and social change: Some case studies from Barbara Hofland to Philip Pullman. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press.

Hahn, D. (2015). The Oxford companion to children’s literature (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

John Hassall. (2014). In Oxford Index: A Search and Discovery Gateway, The Encyclopedia of Children's Literature. Retrieved from http://oxfordindex.oup.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095923833?rskey=URH6Lj&result=0&q=John%20Hassall

Johnson, R.E. (2014). A complete identity: The youthful hero in the work of G.A. Henty and George MacDonald. Cambridge, UK: Lutterworth Press.

Logan, M.K. (1999). Narrating Africa: George Henty and the fiction of empire. New York: Garland Pub.

Newbolt, P. (1996). Appendix IV: Illustration and design. In G.A. Henty, 1832-1902 : A Bibliographical Study. (pp. 612-644). Aldershot, England: Scolar Press.

Newbolt, P. (2006). Henty, George Alfred (1832-1902). In L. Goldman (Ed.), Oxford dictionary of national biography. Retrieved from http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/33827

Stanford University Libraries. (n.d.). Dime novels and penny dreadfuls: Guided tour of the print processes black and white reproduction. Retrieved from http://web.stanford.edu/dept/SUL/library/prod/depts/dp/pennies/print.html

Thompson, J.C. (1975). The boys' Dumas, G. A. Henty: Aspects of Victorian publishing. Cheadle, Cheshire [England]: Carcanet Press.